
南京凯达通商贸有限公司是一家专业从事医疗器械销售服务的企业,作为进口品牌心内产品及超声系列产品江苏省代理商,与省内各大医院建立了良好的合作关系,旨在把国内外最先进的医疗设备和技术引入到各大医院。    公司坚持以客户价值和可持续发展为目标,努力为客户提供优质、高效、个性化服务,赢得了良好声誉。在富有开拓精神、勇于人先、与时俱进的经营管理层的带领下,公司员工秉承“诚信开拓、团结奋进、质量至上、追求完美”的企业精神,以规范灵活的销售方式参与市场竞争。几年来,公司抢抓机遇、开拓创新,使公司迅速发展,在业内取得了显著的经营业绩和良好的社会效益。    公司以人为本,努力为员工提供良好的工作环境、有竞争力的薪酬的同时,并致力于提供有效的职业培训、开放的发展空间,充分发挥人的潜能,不断提升员工能力和企业竞争力。Nanjing KDT Trade Co.,Ltd. specializes in medical electronics equipment sales business, the company has had long-term and good cooperation with many of the world renowned medical device manufacturers.The company's main business involves ultrasound, imaging, and high-quality supplies.Since its establishment in 2011, KDT Trade's employees have been in the "pursuit of excellence, service eternal, constant innovation" principle, to forge ahead in order to perfect the quality of products and services to customer satisfaction, and have made remarkable achievements. Meanwhile, KDT also has trained a large number of excellent sales of the elite, the formation of a strong core team, and has a huge customer base.With the continuous expansion of the business, KDT is constantly moving in a stronger, more professional direction, which also results in KDT's need to Welcome more industry professionals to join, to seek common development, I believe that as long as you are dedicated, professional, you will find yourself a spot at KDT.

公司地址:江苏路60号世贸中心大厦C座14楼 (邮编:210009)
*发布本招聘广告企业的营业执照名称: 南京凯达通商贸有限公司
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